

    关键词  学科发展  师资队伍  年龄结构

    毕业论文外 文 摘 要

    Title Research on the influence of teachers' age structure on the development of subjects


    The construction of human resources and innovative country has become the new goal of our country's strategy of developing the country through science and education. As an important position of science and technology innovation, higher education has been paid more attention and attention. And the discipline is the basic element of the University, runs through the three major social functions of university personnel training, scientific research and social service, and is the carrier of the University's function. Knowledge is the subject of basic elements, the university is engaged in activities of advanced knowledge of the place, the discipline construction is to promote the development of core, the level of discipline construction is to build and enhance core competitiveness of universities and academic level of an important symbol of. The thesis is pided into four parts, the first part is the introduction, mainly on the topics of the background and significance were introduced, and combing and sorting of domestic and foreign researchers on age and the development of the discipline of literature, and briefly introduces the research methods and the structure. The second part is the theoretical part. This paper mainly expounds the related concepts and theories of teacher's age structure and discipline development, and expounds the relationship between the age structure of teachers and the development of the discipline. The third part is the data analysis. In an attempt to stall the professional, for example, collecting relevant data, and has carried on the analysis to the map file subject teacher age structure. The fourth part is the analysis of the influence. Based on the theoretical and practical data, the influence of teacher's age structure on the development of the discipline is analyzed, mainly from three aspects: organization, gender, type.

    Keywords  subject development  teaching staff  age structure

     目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景与意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 研究方法及论文结构 8

    2 师资年龄结构与学科发展的基本理论

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