毕业论文关键字:大学生 学习倦怠 学习压力
A Study on the Ralation Between Students’ Learning Burnout and Academic Stress in University
Objective: Analyse the relation between university students’ learning burnout and academic stress. Methods: 116 university students were randomly selected as the subject. In this paper, questionnaire such as University Student Learning Burnout Inventory and University Student Academic Stressors Inventory as the study tools were used as with SPSS 17.0 applied as the statistical software to conduct analysis. Conclusion: There is a significant positive correlation between university students’ academic stress and learning burnout, and logistic regression analysis indicates that university students’ academic stress have certain predicting effects on learning burnout, the greater the academic stress, the higher the level of learning burnout.
Key words: University student Learning burnout Academic stress
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
表清单 IV
1引言 1
2文献综述 1
2.1学习倦怠 1
2.2学习压力 3
2.3学习倦怠与学习压力的关系 3
3对象与方法 4
3.1被试 4
3.2研究工具 4
3.3数据处理 5
4结果 5
4.1大学生学习倦怠的现状 5
4.2大学生学习压力的现状 7
4.3学习倦怠各维度与学习压力各维度的相关系数 10
4.4大学生学习倦怠与学习压力的多元回归分析 10
5讨论 11
5.1大学生学习倦怠的讨论 11
5.2大学生学习压力的讨论 11
5.3大学生学习倦怠与学习压力的关系的讨论 12
6总结 12
6.1研究结论 12
6.2研究不足 13
6.3建议 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15
表序号 表名称 页码
表3-1 被试分布情况统计表 4
表4-1 大学生学习倦怠总体状况表 5