
    摘要:为了探究初中生羞怯与自我概念的相关,本研究采用《初中生羞怯问卷》和《初中生自我概念问卷》对227名初中生进行问卷调查。研究发现:初中生羞怯状况处于中等水平;性别差异不显著;但年级差异显著。初中生自我概念情在状况处于中等水平;性别、年级方面差异均显著。初中生的羞怯与自我概念的相关关系中极显著的负相关有:同学情境的羞怯与亲密友伴自我、自我控制及公众自我;家长情境羞怯与家庭自我;同学情境的羞怯与自我概念的总体。显著的负相关有 :课堂情境羞怯与公共自我;家长情境的羞怯与自我确认;家长情境羞怯与自我概念总体。显著正相关是羞怯的生理表现与智力自我。43749


    The Relationship between Shyness and Self-concep

    of Junior Middle School Student

    Abstract: In order to investigate the relationship between shyness and self-concep of junior middle school student. The paper does study with shyness and self-concep of junior middle school student questionnaire and treat 227 junior middle school students as the main research object. What the study found is that junior middle school students’ shyness degree is in the medium level; Gender factors have not a significant influence on junior middle school students’ shyness. Grade factors have a significant influence on junior middle school students’ shyness. Self-concep degree is in a medium level. Both the gender and grade factors have a significant influence on junior middle school students’ self-concep. The most significant negative influence about the relationship between Shyness and self-concep of junior middle school Student has Shyness occurred at student context with the close friend self-concept| the self-monitoring、and the public self-concept ;shyness occurred at parents context with the family self-concept; Shyness occurred at student context with Self-concep. The significant negative influence about the relationship between Shyness and self-concep of junior middle school Student has shyness occurred at class context with the public self-concept; shyness occurred at parents with the self-certitude; shyness occurred at parents with self-concep. The significant influence about the relationship between Shyness and self-concep of junior middle school Student is the physiological expression of shyness with the intelligence ability self-concept. 

    Keywords: Junior middle school; Shyness; Self-concep

    目  录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    1研究设计 3

    1.1研究对象 3

    1.2研究工具 3

    1.3研究方法 4

    1.4数据处理 4

    2研究结果 4

    2.1初中生羞怯的总体情况 4

    2.2初中生自我概念的总体情况 6

    2.3初中生羞怯与自我概念的相关情况 8

    3研究讨论 9

    3.1初中生羞怯的总体情况分析 9

    3.2初中生自我概念的总体情况分析 10

    3.3初中生羞怯与自我概念的相关情况分析 11

    4结论 12

    参考文献 13

    附录I 14

    附录II 15


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