Junior middle school mathematics classroom teaching effectively has been research hot spots, this article embarks from the present situation of junior middle school mathematics classroom, analyzing the characteristics of the mathematics classroom teaching from a new Angle, and some cases of junior middle school mathematics teachers' classroom teaching were discussed, and put forward effective improving teaching methods, some Suggestions and strategies for junior middle school mathematics classroom. This paper uses the segments of classroom observation, appreciation of research methods, the teachers and students to put forward the corresponding requirements. In the process of mathematics teaching, we should constantly study, explore new and effective way of teaching, and make students valuable to learn.
毕业论文关键词:初中数学; 有效性; 课堂教学
Keyword: Junior middle school mathematics; Effectiveness; The classroom teaching
1 问题的提出 4
1.1 新课改推动初中数学教育 4
1.2 初中数学课堂的效率有待提高 4
(1) 教师方面 4
(2) 学生方面 5
2 研究的意义 5
2.1 理论意义 5
2.2 实践意义 5
3 初中数学课堂教学的现状 5
(1) 学生主体性和教师主导性不能准确把握 5
(2) 教师标准化现象严重。 6
3.1 小组合作学习形式化 6
3.2 课堂教学机械呆板 6
4 通过实例分析初中数学课堂教学的特点 6
4.1 “一元一次不等式的应用”的教学情景片断与评析 6
4.2 “正方体的展开图”的教学情景片断与评析 7
(1) 重视数学教学活动: 8
(2) 独立思考与合作交流处理融洽 8
(3) 关注教学评价 9
5 探索有效改进初中数学课堂教学的思路 9