


     The Common Problems and Countermeasures Research of Composition Teaching in Primary School

    Abstract: As we all know that the main task of the elementary school language teaching is to cultivate students the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, the writing is the highest form in language expression, it test and summarize about learning Chinese. Seen in this light, the composition is not only an important part of Chinese teaching, but also become an important process of social communication methods. But for a long time, influenced by the examination-oriented education, teaching writing has become a weak link in the primary Chinese teaching classes. Embodied in teachers' teaching performance that specific teachers often ignored the dominant position of students, excessively adult; contempt students’ interests and emotion; teaching form is too single and exam-oriented; composition teaching totally far away from realistic; teaching resources are scarce and it is difficult to stimulate students' imagination. There are many forming causes of the problems, but the integral parts are traditional education concept deprived students' subjectivity and the influence of exam-oriented education and evaluation mechanism about composition teaching in primary schools. Therefore, in order to improving the effectiveness of primary school composition teaching, teachers must establish the scientific idea of composition teaching and use appropriate methods to solve common problems in teaching.

    Keywords: Primary school students; Primary school composition teaching; Pupils’ writing ability 

    目 录

     摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、小学作文教学的重要性 2

    (一)是小学生运用语言文字进行表达和交流的重要方式 2

    (二)是小学语文素质教育体系中的关键环节 2

    (三)是语文教学的重要组成部分 3

    二、小学作文教学存在的问题 3

    (一)忽视学生的主体地位,过分成人化 3

    (二)轻视学生的兴趣和情感,严重脱离实际 4

    (三)传统作文教学形式单一,过于应试化 4

    (四)作文教学模式化,脱离学生实际 5

    (五)教学资源匮乏,难以激发学生想象力 6


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