

    毕业论文关键词:多媒体教学 ;小学语文;课堂教学;改进策略

    Application of Multimedia in Primary School Language Teaching

    Abstract:Multimedia plays an important role in Chinese teaching in primary schools, it will be the image of the content of the text combine to attract the attention of students, to help students to grasp the knowledge; Improve the traditional teaching methods, effective the teaching effect of the classroom; Stimulate students' interest and expand their horizons. But there are still some problems in this press, such as simplified design teaching, affecting the quality of teaching; Directly show the picture and text,  pay little attention to the development of students' thinking; The lack of communication between teachers and students, the impact of the relationship between teachers and students; Classroom teaching content without primary and secondary. Aiming at these problems, the author through the observation method and experience summary method relative countermeasures are put forward: The transformation of teaching philosophy, making the courseware design; Rational use of multimedia resources, attach great importance to the development of students' thinking; Teaching adhere to the "student oriented", pay attention to the emotional communication between teachers and students; Teaching content should be focused, prioritize.

    Keywords: multimedia teaching; Primary language; Classroom Teaching; Improvement Strategies

    目 录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、多媒体与多媒体教学概念 2

    (一)多媒体概念 2

    (二)多媒体教学概念 2

    二、多媒体在小学语文教学中的优势 3

    (一)以直观性的形象吸引学生的注意力 3

    (二)以多样化的形象拓展学生的视野 3

    (三)提高教学效果,帮助学生掌握知识 4

    (四)有利于学生的综合素质的培养 4

    三、多媒体在教学时出现的一些问题 4

    (一)简化教学设计,影响教学质量 4

    (二)直接体现图画和文字,不注重学生思维的发展 5

    (三)师生之间缺乏交流,影响师生和谐关系 5

    (四)教学内容失衡,无主次之分 5

    四、多媒体在小学语文教学中应用的改进策略 6

    (一)转变教学理念,做好课件设计 6


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