毕业论文关键词:恐怖电影 观影心理 心理压力
Terrorist suspense movie to watch on college students' psychological pressure influence mechanism research
With the development of the world type movie, a horror film has become the best, more and more popular with young viewers. Under the impact of the persified film culture at the same time, the youth audience viewing psychology to also in a huge change. As a contemporary college students is faced with rich change form of cultural and social psychological instability, therefore, the youth of the new century to create new cultural consciousness and mental screenings. Traditional consciousness to watch horror movies easy tension, depression, fear of psychological problems. After the innovation of viewing psychology what changes will happen? Watch the horror movie psychological mechanism is how to work? And the formation of this kind of psychological mechanism and mode of college students' mental model will produce what kind of impact? This paper is dedicated to explore and analyze the above problems, hope that through my study make public form a new consciousness and film screenings, can more healthy, more effective in the face of the new wave of culture.
Key Words: Horror movie viewing psychological psychoanalysis Looking forward to the psychological
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
1.引言 5
2.创新点 5
3 实验研究设计 5
3.1 被试 5
3.2 仪器和材料 5
3.3 实验设计 6
3.3.1 自变量,因变量 6
3.3.2 实验设计 6
3.4 实验步骤 7
3.5结果 7
3.5.1统计结果分析 9
4.文献综述 9
4.1 观众心理学的国内外研究 10
4.2问题提出 10
5 观众心理学的概念与分类 11
5.1 观众心理学的概念 11
6 恐怖电影的观影心理机制 11
6.1 佛洛依德的梦幻心理机制 12
6.1.1受众前置梦幻经验 12
6.1.2 梦幻心理需求产生的根源 13
6.2 拉康的结构主义精神分析心理学与恐怖观影心理机制 13