


    Abstract: With the development of multimedia technology and Internet technology,a transmission technology of audio and video which changes traditional model has been on the rise,this is the technology of streaming media.Traditional way of network transmission of audio and video and other multimedia information is completely downloaded and then play,downloads often take several minutes or even hours,the streaming media technology can realize stream transmission which makes sound,video,or animation from the server to the user's computer for continuous,uninterrupted transmission.On the basis of introducing the concept and characteristics of streaming media technology,this paper keeps the focus on the currently main streaming media technology based on Internet,analyzes the application of video broadcast and video on demand technology and so on,expounds the future development trend and main application field of streaming media technology in detail,promotes people's further understanding of the streaming media technology,consequently promotes the streaming media technology in a wider range of application and development level.  

    Keywords: streaming media technology,video broadcast,video on demand

    目   录

    1  引言 4

    2  流媒体技术相关协议和标准 4

    2.1  视频编码与传输技术 5

    2.2  流媒体传输与控制协议 5

    3  流媒体技术的应用领域 6

    3.1  流媒体技术的研究内容 6

    3.2  视频直播 7

    3.3  视频点播 8

    4  远程教育中媒体流的应用 8

    4.1  点播方式 8

    4.2  多播方式 9

    5  流媒体技术未来发展趋势 10

    5.1  下一代网络概述 10

    5.2  下一代网络核心业务平台EBNCSP 11

    5.3  基于EBNCSP的流媒体业务 11

    结论 13

    参考文献 14

    致谢 15

    1 引言

    通讯技术的飞速发展,改变了传统的信息处理、加工、传播的手法,加快了人类文明进步的脚步。多媒体技术综合了声音、文字、图像、动画和视频等多种交互手法,拓宽了信息的表现形式,为人类的数字生活带来了深入变革。网络通讯技术和多媒体技术相结合,产生了流媒体(streaming media)的概念[1]。


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