摘要众所周知离岸金融市场的产生发展对世界经济的兴旺具有极其重要的意义,自上个世纪80年代至今全球金融自由化、国际化,建立离岸金融市场的风潮从来没有显现出平息的迹象,这种风潮同样带动了中国。而如何建立自贸区离岸金融市场,促使金融市场国际化已成为中国金融改革的重要一环,上海市作为中国经济领头城市,在政策上、经济实力上等具有多方面的优势,构建和发展上海自贸区离岸金融市场是实现我国金融的战略选择。本文的主旨在从离岸金融市场的历史和发展动因入手,分析上海自贸区建立后的现状,并结合前文分析建立自贸区离岸金融市场的必要性,分析离岸金融市场在建立的过程中可能会出现的风险问题,找到解决的对策,并对如何将自贸区离岸金融市场建立的更好提出展望。同时通过本文的研究一时希望能加强我的专业知识,二是希望能都通过此次机会提高整理归纳的能力为日后的工作做好准备。23521 毕业论文关键词 自贸区 离岸金融市场 人民币国际化
Title Study on the Offshore Financial Market of Shanghai Free Trade Zone
As we all know, the establishment and development of the offshore financial market played an important role in the prosperity of the worldwide economy. Since the 1980s financial liberalization and internationalization, the establishment of the offshore financial market agitation never showing signs of calm. This trend also led the Chinese. How to create free trade zone offshore financial markets, prompting the international financial markets, has become one of China’s important parts in financial reform. Shanghai as one of China's economy leading cities, in terms of policy, has many advantages, and the establishment and development of Shanghai FTA offshore financial markets is a strategic choice to achieve our financial reform. Based on the history and development of the offshore financial market motivation, the aim of this article is to analyze the status quo after the Shanghai Free Trade Area established in conjunction with the foregoing analysis of the necessity of establishing offshore financial markets FTA, analysis of financial markets in the establishment of offshore process risks that may arise, measures to find a solution, and how the FTA established offshore financial markets made a better outlook. Meanwhile, through this study, I am hoping to strengthen my specialized knowledge, and to improve the ability to organize information and get prepared for future work.
Keywords FTA Offshore financial markets RMB internationalization
目 次
1 引言 1
2 我国自贸区和离岸金融市场概述 2
2.1 离岸金融市场的概述 2
2.2 中国离岸金融市场发展的研究 3
2.3 我国自由贸易区的现状以及特点 6
3 建立自贸区离岸金融市场的必要性 10
3.1 自贸区与我国经济发展的关系 9
3.2 建立自贸区离岸金融市场对我国经济发展的影响 11
4 上海自贸区离岸金融市场的国际借鉴及发展策略 16
4.1 上海自贸区离岸金融市场的国际借鉴 15
4.2 上海自贸区离岸金融的发展策略 16
5 上海自贸区建立离岸金融市场存在的风险和对策 19
5.1上海自贸区建立离岸金融市场存在的风险 17
5.2应对风险的对策 18