关键词 离岸金融中心 成功经验 人民币 毕业论文外文摘要
Title Offshore financial centers overseas development experience and enlightenment to China
Offshore financial center after 60 years of development, the increasingly important in international finance, benefit, many countries around the world in some regions, the entire national economy is a qualitative change accordingly. Since China's reform and opening up, China's increasingly important position in the world, rapid economic power, and the internationalisation of the renminbi in recent years the word frequently appeared in front of us, so our country should follow the trend, the RMB offshore financial center. In this article, through understanding of related concepts of offshore financial centres, and summarize the four international success of the development of offshore financial centres, they have set up conditions, as well as the measures taken in the process of development, their successful experience is obtained, and the situation in China, puts forward countermeasures of establishing renminbi offshore financial center.
Keywords Offshore financial centers Development Experience Renminbi
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究内容 2
1.3 文献综述 2
2 离岸金融相关概念及理论 4
2.1 离岸金融市场的定义 4
2.2 离岸金融市场的发展 4
2.3 离岸金融中心 4
3 国际成功离岸金融中心发展经验分析 7
3.1 香港离岸金融中心 7
3.2 日本离岸金融中心 7
3.3 开曼群岛离岸金融中心 8
3.4 美国纽约离岸金融中心 8
3.5 成功的离岸中心发展经验总结 9
4 人民币离岸金融中心的发展 11
4.1 中国离岸金融中心发展历程 11
4.2 人民币离岸金融中心发展中存在的问题 11
4.3 发展人民币离岸金融中心的必要性 12
5 国际离岸金融中心经验的启示 13
5.1 巩固国内政治和经济的稳定 13
5.2 大力建设基础设施 13
5.3 建立健全与离岸金融相关的法律法规体系 13
5.4 政府应制定促进离岸金融中心发展的优惠政策 13
5.5 加强中国离岸金融市场的监管 14
结 论 15
致 谢 16 参考文献17
1 引言
1.1 研究背景及意义