摘 要:有关产业集群化转移问题的研究已取得较多成果,深化产业集群化转移的模式、效应的研究,可为产业集群及产业转移的研究提供新的思路和方向,对于提高产业总体竞争力及区域经济的增长具有重要意义。本文以苏宿工业园区为例,综合采用区位商等研究方法,分析了江苏南北共建园区下的苏州、宿迁间产业集群化转移的现状、特征,认为宿迁通过承接苏州的产业集群化转移,提升了宿迁产业技术水平,有效利用了土地使用率,提高了劳动力利用率,提升了资源与原材料利用效率,具有明显的正向效应。92689
毕业论文关 键 词:产业集群化转移,效应,江苏南北共建园区,苏宿工业园区,调控
Abstract:Research on the problem of industrial clustering shift has had many achievements。 To deepen the research on the mode and effect of industrial cluster transfer, which can provide new ideas and directions for the research of industrial cluster and industrial transfer。It is of great importance to improve the overall competitiveness of industry and the growth of regional economy。 Based on suzhou-suqian industrial park as an example, this paper comprehensively use the location and commercial law in the research , which is analyzed Jiangsu between the north and south to build industrial park。 This paper analyzes industrial clustering shift present situation, characteristics between suzhou and suqian。 Suqian carries on the industrial cluster through suzhou transferring, increasing the suqian industry technology level, improving the land-use efficiency, promoting the labor force, improving the efficiency of utilization of resources and raw materials has obvious positive effect。
Keywords:industrial cluster transfer, effect, Jiangsu North South joint construction zone, Suzhou-Suqian Industrial Park, regulation
目 录
1 研究区域概况 4
2 数据来源与研究方法 5
2。1 数据来源 5
2。2 研究方法 5
3 苏宿工业园区产业集群化转移特征 6
4 产业集群化转移源F于K优B尔C论V文N网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752^018766 效应 8
4。1 提升了宿迁产业技术水平 8
4。2 有效利用了土地使用率 9
4。3 提高了劳动力利用率 9
4。4 提升了资源与原材料利用效率 10
5调控策略 10
结 论 12
参考文献 13
致 谢 14
毛广雄认为产业集群化转移是国家间、区域间在时间和空间上因资源供给、市场需求变化、产品需求条件以及资本动态转化引起的产业集群化转移。是一个涉及产业集群化转移主体、客体和载体动态网络化过程[5]。丘兆逸和蒙丹认为产业集群化转移的内涵是:原本企业存在网络关系仍具有复制性的,在地理上相对集中且关系密切的企业群体,整体搬迁到另一区域 [6。7]。