摘要:伴随着经济全球化的进程不断加快,不同区域间的经济联系越来越紧密。但在经济发展过程中,受到各种因素的影响,地区经济的不平衡发展现象也越来越普遍。区域经济发展差异已经成为区域发展过程中不可避免的问题,制约经济的进一步发展和可持续发展。江苏省作为我国的沿海发达省份之一,经济总体水平发展速度位于全国前列。与此同时,江苏省内的经济发展差异也越来越明显,集中体现在苏南、苏中和苏北间的差异不断拉大,这也严重阻碍了江苏省的综合实力提升和经济的可持续发展。因此,面对江苏省的区域经济越来越大拉大的形势,在保持总体经济平稳增长的同时,加快对欠发达地区的政策和资金扶持,缩小区域经济发展差异。通过对江苏省区域经济差异现象的研究,找出差异产生的原因,然后提出改善江苏省区域经济差异的措施。31099 毕业论文关键词:区域差异 江苏省 差异现状 差异形成原因 负面影响 改善措施
The Research of Jiangsu province regional economic developing discrepancy
Abstract: Along with China's overall level of rapid economic development, the phenomenon of uneven economic development between regions are also more common. Reflecting regional economic development in different regions of the objective laws of economic and connotation and extension relationships. The existence of regional differences, has become a common phenomenon in the process of China's economic development, as well as restrict the further development of economy and sustainable development. As one of the developed coastal provinces, the regional disparities in Jiangsu Province is also very serious and concentrated expression of the differences in southern, central and northern widening between. This has seriously affected the coordinated development of regional economy in Jiangsu province, the province is not conducive to building a well-off society and people's living standards improve. The research shows that the formation of regional differences in economic development in Jiangsu Province are many reasons, both geographical factors, but also the basis of the level of economic, economic structure and policy factors, cultural heritage aspects, which requires specific analysis. At the same time regional differences too large and prone to a number of adverse effects, is not conducive to social stability and development, sustainable and rational flow of resources and economic development. Therefore, This paper aims to identify gaps in southern, central and northern of Jiangsu, the main cause of the difference analysis, then to find measures to reduce and resolve differences in regional development in Jiangsu Province.
Key Words:Regional Differences, Jiangsu Province Differences Status,Differences Causes,Negative impact,Improvements.
目 录
一、引 言 - 1 -
(一)研究意义 - 1 -
(二)文献综述 - 1 -
二、 江苏省区域经济发展差异的现状 - 2 -
(一)区域差异概述 - 2 -
(二)江苏省区域差异 - 4 -
三. 江苏省区域经济发展差异形成的原因 - 5 -
(一)区域经济发展差异形成的客观基础 - 5 -
(二)江苏区域经济差异的形成原因分析 - 7 -
四、 江苏区域经济发展不平衡的负面影响 - 9 -
(一)区域经济发展的不平衡不利于资源和要素的合理流动 - 10 -
(二)区域发展的不平衡不利于社会发展的稳定 - 10 -
(三) 不同区域的社会保障差异极大 - 10 -
(四)区域经济差距增大不利于区域经济的持续发展 - 11 -