摘要:在经济迅速发展的当代社会,以资源过量消耗为代价的经济效益增长方式逐渐被废除,环境问题越来越受到人们的重视,环境保护迫在眉睫。国内外关于环境规划、战略规划以及环境战略规划包括农业的环境战略规划等方面已经有了较为深入的研究但是在有机农业规划方面的环境战略规划却鲜有涉及,由于有机农业对产地环境有着严格的要求因此对于有机产区环境的战略规划应该是有机农业战略规划中首要且必不可少的部分,本文以扬子集团江北新区建设为例,将扬子集团江北新区有机农业规划中环境战略规划这一首要部分作为本次研究规划的重点进行论述。31588 毕业论文关键词:有机农业;环境规划;战略规划;江北新区
Study on the environmental strategic planning in the strategic planning of organic agriculture -- a case study of the organic strategic planning of Chengqiao area
Abstract: With the rapid economic development of the contemporary society, the economic growth mode with the excessive consumption of resources has been abolished, and the environmental problems have been paid more and more attention. At home and abroad on environmental planning, strategic planning and strategic planning environment including agricultural environment strategic planning has a more in-depth study but planning environmental strategy on organic agriculture planning rarely involved, because organic agriculture has a strict requirement on the production environment therefore strategic planning for organic production environment should be organic agricultural strategic planning of the primary and essential part of the Yangzi Group Jiangbei District construction as an example, the Yangzi Group Jiangbei District organic agriculture planning environmental strategic planning is the most important part as the research focus of planning are discussed.
Key Words: Organic agricultural; Environmental strategy ; Jiangbei Area
摘要: 1
关键词: 1
1研究方法与研究路线图 5
1.1文献研究法 5
1.2类比研究法 6
1.3实证研究法 7
1.4技术路线图 7
2结果与分析 7
2.1规划背景 7
2.2建设区域环境概况 8
2.3区域资源环境现状评价 9
2.4程桥地区环境战略规划 19
3讨论 20
3.1有机农业规划中的环境战略规划的定义、范围、目的和意义 20
3.2有机农业战略规划的现状、问题与解决策略 21
3.3有机农业战略规划中环境规划的步骤 21
3.4不足之处 21
4展望 21
致谢 22 参考文献: 22