摘要:全球经济一体化和贸易自由化使得服务业逐渐成为当今全球经济的重心,催化了国际服务贸易的飞速发展,拉动了其在全球贸易总额的占比不断攀升,使其逐渐成为开放国家经济发展的加速引擎。当前,服务贸易发展速度的快与慢、发展水平的高与低,已成为衡量一个国家经济发展是否具有活力、综合竞争力是否强大的重要特征之一,因此,各国开始高度重视服务贸易的发展,以期望将此作为突破口,提升本国在国际贸易竞争中的实力和地位。乘借改革开放的强劲东风,我国的服务贸易阔步前行,在世界经济体系中的地位大幅提升。但与西方市场经济较为成熟的发达国家相比,还存在着一些差距和不容忽视的问题,仍蕴藏着巨大的发展潜力和提升空间。我国要实现服务贸易强国的目标,必须补齐这些制约发展的“短板”,扫清跨越发展的障碍。本文试图通过对我国服务贸易现状的分析,并通过与西方发达市场经济国家服务贸易比较,剖析存在的问题,思考解决的对策。40871 毕业论文关键词:服务贸易; 现状; 问题 ;对策
Issues on China’s service trade and countermeasures
Abstract: Nowadays the service trade has gradually become the focus of the global economy due to the global economic integration and trade liberalization. It’s increasing share in the global trade boost the economy of open countries. The development speed and the development level of service trade determine whether the development of a country’s economy is dynamic and comprehensively competitive. Therefore, the world starts to make note of the development of service trade and expect this as a breakthrough to enhance their strength and position in international trade competition. Going with the wind of revolution, China’s service trade strides and improves its position in the economy of the world. However, compared to the developed countries that have more mature economic systems, china has some gaps and problems that cannot be ignored. We must repair these shortfalls which constrain the development and remove these barriers in order to reach our goal to become competitive in trade services. This paper tries to analyze the current status of china’s service trade by comparison with the western developed countries, raise existing questions and think of solutions.
Key Words: service trade , current status, issues, countermeasures
目 录
一、全球背景下我国服务贸易的发展概况 1
(一)世界服务贸易发展的形势和特征 1
(二)我国服务贸易发展的现状和特点 3
二、关于我国服务贸易发展状况的比较与分析 6
(一)地域发展的均衡程度 6
(二)整体竞争力 7
(三)技术密集的程度 7
(四)全球市场地理分布 8
(五)综合排名 8
(优尔)市场开放度 8
(七)法律完备程度 9
三、我国服务贸易存在的问题 10
(一)产业基础总体上薄弱 10
(二)整体竞争力不强 11
(三)法律法规体系尚未完善 12
(四)管理体制相对滞后 13
(五)结构仍不合理 14
(优尔)市场开放度不高 14
(七)专业人才严重短缺 15
四、促进我国服务贸易健康发展的对策及建议 15
(一)坚持做大做强,扩大服务贸易规模 15
(二)坚持协调发展,优化服务贸易结构 16