本文通过分阶段描述了中国对外直接投资的特征以及动因,展示了我国对外直接投资飞速的发展历程。加快培育国际水平的跨国公司,也是的十八大做出的重要决策。但是,在我国对外直接投资迅速发展的同时,企业也面临着不稳定的国际环境,国内宏观经济的波动,企业自身竞争力不高等诸多问题。为此,根据国际和国内以及企业存在的问题,本文分别从政府和企业两大方面提出促进我国对外直接投资更好发展的相关对策建议,希望能为中国企业对外直接投资的持续发展进言献策。 毕业论文关键词:对外直接投资;动因;问题;对策
With the fast development of the China economy under the reform and opening-up policy, especially the stimulation of “Going-out” Strategy, the foreign direct investment of Chinese enterprises have reaped steady progress. the amount of the annual flow of the foreign direct investment increases from 0.83 billion to 107.84 billion between 1990 and 2013,which helped the China become a superpower in the foreign investment.
The article analyzes the features and motivation of the investment from five aspects, including the size, the enterprises, the location, the industries and the way of foreign direct investment, showing the fast development history of the foreign investment. However, problems still remain in the foreign investment because of the fluctuant environment in home and broad ,such as the changeable international adventure, the labile factor of macro-economy in our country, the companies without core competence and so on. Therefore,we approach the advises relevant to the government and the company in order to made a contribution to the foreign direct investment, hoping a further progress development in the process of the investment.
Key words:foreign direct investment;motivation; advice
摘 要 I
Abstract II
一、我国对外直接投资基本理论与概述 - 1 -
(一)研究综述 - 1 -
(二)对外直接投资的定义 - 2 -
(三)对外直接投资发展特征 - 2 -
二、我国对外直接投资动因分析 - 5 -
(一)市场导向动机 - 6 -
(二)降低成本导向动机 - 6 -
(三)技术与管理导向动机 - 6 -
(四)分散风险导向动机 - 6 -
(五)优惠政策导向动机 - 6 -
(六)发现优势导向动机 - 6 -
三、我国对外直接投资存在的问题 - 7 -
(一)对外直接投资面临的国际问题 - 7 -
(二)对外直接投资面临的国内问题 - 8 -
(三)对外直接投资企业的自身问题 - 8 -
四、我国对外直接投资对策建议 - 9 -
(一)政府宏观调控政策 - 9 -
(二)企业自身增强实力 - 10 -
五、结论 - 11 -
参考文献 - 12 -
致 谢 - 13 -