摘要目前我国农村问题的症结仍是土地问题,而土地问题的核心则是如何让农村土地能够有序流转。农村土地流转需要巨额的资金支持,而现有的金融支持并不能提供足够的资金用于农地流转,存在资金的供需矛盾。如何结合我国实际,找出符合农村流转的融资模式,是破解农地流转困境必须面对的问题。 本文首先从目前我国农村土地流转和农村金融体系的现状研究出发,借鉴了国内外对农村土地流转融资模式的研究,对农村土地流转理论和金融融资理论进行分析,从资金保障、风险评估、风险转移三个方面分析金融对农地流转的影响机制。其次,分析了目前我国农地流转的融资现状及存在的问题,就目前农地流转融资存在的融资渠道单一、监督机制缺失、融资行为不规范缺乏以及风险转移机制缺失等问题进行论述。接着,论文提出了构建以政策性金融、商业金融、合作性金融以及民间金融为主体的农地流转融资模式,并提出了由政府、村委会、金融机构和互联网等共同组成的融资模式,共同推进农村土地流转进程,并就如何推动农地流转提出了加快建立土地流转市场、加强金融监管、兼顾效率与公平以及建立风险转移机制等方面的建议,以促进农地流转更好更快的发展。 49660 毕业论文关键词:农地流转;融资模式;金融支持
Rural Land New Financing Model
Abstract Currently the crux of the problem is still China's rural land issues, the core of land issue is how to make an orderly transfer of rural land. Rural land requires huge financial support, and existing financial support can not provide sufficient funds for the transfer of agricultural land, there is a supply and demand of funds. How to combine the reality of our country, to find out in line with the transfer of rural financing model, it must face to break the plight of agricultural land transfer First, the study status of rural land transfer and rural financial system is currently starting draws on domestic and foreign financing of rural land circulation patterns of rural land transfer theory and the theory of financial analysis and financing from financial security, risk assessment, risk analysis of the impact of the financial mechanism of transfer of agricultural land transfer three areas. Secondly, the analysis of the current status of financing of agricultural land transfer and the problems of the current transfer of agricultural land in financing channels for a single, lack of oversight mechanisms, the lack of financing of irregularity and lack of risk transfer mechanisms and other issues were discussed. Next, the paper proposes to construct policy finance, commercial finance, cooperative finance and private finance as the main mode of financing agricultural land transfer, and proposed by the government, village committees, financial institutions and other Internet together constitute the financing model, to jointly promote the process of rural land, and on how to promote the transfer of agricultural land made recommendations to speed up the establishment of the land transfer market, strengthen financial supervision, both efficiency and fairness and the establishment of risk transfer mechanisms, etc., in order to promote better and faster transfer of agricultural land development of.
Key Words:Agricultural land transfer,;financing model; financial support