Study on the Status and Strategies in China’s Negotiable Instrument Market Development
In recent years, China has taken rapid development in the Negotiable Instrument Market, the market instrument plays the increasingly prominent role in the overall economic operation, constantly optimizes the structure of the negotiable instrument market, the market coverage of bill business continues to expand, standardized management continues to strengthen. From the size, type, structure, regulatory and other aspects of the status of the negotiable instrument market analysis, and pointed out that the negotiable instrument market the existing problems in the analysis process, and pointed out that the reasons the problem exists, and finally, on the negotiable instrument market in the problems relevant recommendations comments, in order to promote the development of the negotiable instrument market. This article from two aspects of theory and practice, respectively the researches on negotiable instrument play a positive role in promoting the negotiable instrument market development.
Key Words: Negotiable Instrument Market;Laws and regulations;Strategy
摘 要 I
Abstract II
一 绪论 1
(一)选题背景及意义 1
(二)研究方法 1
(三)文献综述 1
二 我国票据市场的发展现状 2
(一)票据市场交易规模与种类 2
(二)票据市场参与主体与运营模式 4
(三)票据市场监督管理 5
三 我国票据市场存在的问题及原因分析 6
(一)票据市场结构不合理,信用风险较大 6
(二)票据市场信用基础差,票据真实性难以保证 6
(三)市场业务操作没有规范标准,市场参与者风险防范意识较低 7
(四)市场交易流动性差 7
(五)票据市场监管机制不完善,法律制度和管理手段落后 8
四 完善我国票据市场的对策建议 8
(一)扩大商业票据的市场认知度,鼓励票据业务发展与创新 8
(二)建立票据市场信用评级机制与违约奖惩机制 9
(三)扩大对商业票据投资,标准化票据的流通流程 9
(四)建立全国统一的电子票据市场 10