AbstractNine Stories is a collection of short stories by American fiction writer J. D. Salinger and it is hissecond book after the famous work titled The Catcher in the Rye. The collection, as the titlesuggests, consists of nine different stories. What hides behind each simple story is Salinger’s deepsense of helplessness towards then American society. Once filled with the spirit of freedom, equalityand the attempt to earn a better living through one’s own hand all became nothingness after theSecond World War. What left only is the shell of American dream, and life in America is full ofpeople’s yearn for material richness, sluggish spirit and a world where there is no place for the greatand the true to exist. Seven of the nine stories depict children. What Salinger tries to do is tocompare the adult world to the children making t contrast between these two generations in dealingwith frustration.This thesis mainly focuses on the analysis of three short stories, namely A Perfect Day forBananafish, Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut and The laughing man against the backdrop of SecondWorld War and the American dream through the discussion of the collapse of American dream inthe blind pursuit of material life but the loss of love and hero.56816
KeyWords: American dream, traumatic, Second World War, heroism
摘 要短篇小说集《九故事》是塞林格继《麦田守里的望者》之后的第二部作品。一本书由九个不同的故事组成。看似平淡的语言背后却深藏着塞林格对当时美国社会的无奈。充满着自由,平等,进取等精神的美国在二战的摧残之下只留下了一个虚无的空壳。光鲜的外表下装着的却是人们仅仅对物质生活的渴望,无法前进的步伐以及懦弱与溃败。小说九个故事中有七个故事涉及孩童,塞林格将成人世界与孩童世界进行了对比,其中明显的反差道出了成人在磨难或是逆境中的抉择不如一个孩童对待不顺与挫折的态度。本论文主要从小说中三篇短篇-- 《逮捕香蕉鱼的最佳日子》 , 《威格力大叔在康涅狄克州》 , 《笑面人》中通过二战大背景以及美国梦的宗旨探讨了美国当时对物质生活的盲目追求,爱的缺失,无法存在的伟大精神所结合而成的美国梦的破碎。
毕业论文关键词: 美国梦,创伤,第二次世界大战,英雄主义


Acknowledgements.. i

Abstract.. ii

摘 要..iii

1 Introduction.. 1

2 Alienated Existence in A Perfect Day for Bananafish..5

2.1 Being Detached and Phony 5

2.2 Sympathetic and Affectionate Interaction with Children.6

2.3AWorld Doomed by Greed7

3 Illusionary Love in Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut..8

3.1 Romona and her Imaginary Friend Jimmy Jimmereeno..8

3.2 Eloise and her Non-existent Lover Walt 9

3.3AWorld without Love 10

4 The End of Youth in The laughing man..11

4.1 Chief -- Hero of Children. 11

4.2 The Laughing Man – Hero of the Story..12

4.3AWorld where Hero Grows to Die.13

5 Conclusions. 14

1 IntroductionNine Stories (1953) is a collection of short stories by American fiction writer J.D Salinger(1919-2010) published in April 1953, among which A Perfect Day for Bananafish and Teddy are themost famous. The stories start with a zen koan which says we know the sounds of two handsclapping. But what is the sound of one hand clappings? The zen koan leads us into the amazingcontent of nine stories which is not merely the collection of nine short stories but also a unifiedwhole that full of allegory. Salinger published seven stories from The New Yorker and another tworejected by the magazine in 1953. The book received much positive feedback and regarded as afinancial success, and also topped on the New York Times Bestseller list for three months. A greatcollection of short stories which reflects Salinger’ s inner feelings towards American society afterthe Second World War.Jerome David Salinger (January 1, 1919 - January 27, 2010) was an American writer who led a veryprivate life for more than a half century. Throughout his early life, J
















