Abstract:In recent years, the export of electromechanical products in Zhejiang Province suffered a bottleneck, such as the rising cost of doing business, import and export volume concentrated in a few large enterprises. Therefore, mechanical and electrical enterprises in Zhejiang Province began to use cross-border electronic business platform to trade with other countries. Mechanical and electrical enterprises in Zhejiang Province also need cross-border electricity supplier to develop new markets. Through the SWOT method under the cross-border electricity supplier mode electromechanical products in Zhejiang were analyzed, and take advantage of opportunities and avoid threats and weaknesses related to a series of development proposals. That is self-developed products to guide the market, improve product quality standards, market-oriented, and increase efforts to adjust product structure, innovation and science and technology.
Keyword: export of electromechanical products ;Cross-border e-commerce;SWOT analysis;development tactic
目 录
1.1研究背景和意义 4
1.2研究的内容 4
1.3本文创新点 4
1.4技术路线 5
2.文献综述 5
浙江机电产品出口的相关研究 5
3.浙江省机电产品跨境电商的发展现状 6
3.1浙江省跨境电商的发展现状 6
3.2浙江省机电产品的贸易现状 6
3.3浙江省机电产品跨境电商发展现状 9
3.3.1浙江省机电产品的跨境电商发展现状 9
3.3.2浙江省机电产品跨境电商市场概况 9
4.跨境电商模式下浙江省机电产品的SWOT分析 9
4.1跨境电商模式下浙江省机电产品的优势分析 9
4.2跨境电商模式下浙江省机电产品的弱势分析 10
4.3跨境电商模式下浙江省机电产品的机遇分析 11
4.4跨境电商模式下浙江省机电产品的威胁分析 11
5.跨境电商模式下浙江省机电产品出口的发展对策建议 12
5.1加大产品结构的调整;提高创新技术,用自主研发产品去导向市场 12
5.2.实施人才战略,加快培养复合型跨境电商人才 13
5.3建立机电产品海外仓 13
5.4产品品牌化,提高产品质量和服务质量 13
6.结束语 14