Rural logistics mainly refers to goods in rural areas for delivery or receive an entity flowing process, rural logistics in its complexity, including the necessities of agricultural materials, agricultural products, farmers, farmers in production and daily life of renewable resource recycling utilization, compared with the city logistics, rural logistics and the characteristics of their own development。 In this paper, taking Taizhou Linhai village as an example to discuss。 Mainly analyzes the favorable conditions of rural logistics development in Linhai, Taizhou, and existing difficulties, and aiming at the shortage of current to put forward the strategy, mainly through the promotion of online consumption of rural residents to drive development of logistics, and the continuous development of the local electronic commerce and the development of electronic commerce to promote the continuous improvement of rural electricity supplier logistics, and finally through the cooperation with the business "tycoon", through the application of join, to take advantage of the various business tycoon existing logistics network and system, using their existing logistics technology, to break through the temporary local sea now rural logistics difficulties。
This article hopes to have a breakthrough in the rural logistics in Linhai, Taizhou, and to promote the further development of rural electricity suppliers, promote the progress of rural economy, improve the living standards of local farmers。
毕业论文关键词:电子商务; 乡村电商; 物流网络;乡村物流网络构建
Keyword: E-commerce; Rural E-commerce; Rural Logistics network
目 录
1。引言 4
2。农村电商物流概述 5
2。1 农村电商物流概述 5
2。2 农村电商物流与城市电商物流 5
3。台州临海农村电商物流发展优势 6
3。1台州临海物流基础设施现状 6
4。1。1港口 6
4。1。2铁路 6
4。1。3公路 6
3。2 物流企业 7
3。3 临海地区农业电商发展现状 7
3。4各电商巨头向农村的“进军” 8
3。5 发展物流的资金基础——金融融资 9
3。6政府对物流发展的支持 9