Analysis on the Present Situation and Prospect of China’s Household Appliances
Abstract: China's home appliance industry with the economic growth is rapidly rising in the world。 From the current export ratio in China, the export rate of household appliances has been increasing, the market prospect is broad, but at the same time in the international market and other countries are also very fierce competition, home appliance exports are facing a series of problems, this article from China's home appliance export advantages and disadvantages To focus on the analysis of the disadvantages of China's household electrical appliance exports, found the problems and analysis of research, in order to better solve the problem of relevant policy recommendations and solutions。 To speed up China's household electrical appliance exports, improve the international market share, and promote China's economic development to make some suggestions。
Key Words: China's home appliance exports; status and prospects; countermeasure
目 录
前 言 - 1 -
一、我国家用电器出口现状 - 1 -
(一) 我国家电的出口结构 - 1 -
(二) 我国家电的出口市场 - 1 -
(三) 我国家电的出口特点 - 1 -
二、我国家用电器出口的影响因素和分析 - 1 -
(一) 我国家用电器出口的影响因素 - 1 -
1、 出口频遭绿色贸易壁垒 - 1 -
2、 碳生产率不高制约出口能力 - 1 -
3、 家电制造成本优势逐步消失 - 1 -
4、 国际市场家电产品竞争激烈 - 1 -
5、 我国政府政策扶持力度不足 - 1 -
6、 我国家电出口企业核心竞争力不足 - 1 -
7、 自主品牌建设及运营能力不强 - 1 -
8、 家电出口企业技术人才稀缺 - 1 -
9、 国际市场营销渠道开发不足 - 1 -
(二) 我国家用电器的竞争优势 - 1 -
1、 价格成本优势 - 1 -
2、 产量优势 - 1 -
3、 出口退税率的上调 - 1 -
4、 技术应用步伐加快 - 1 -
5、 在国际标准制定中具有话语权 - 1 -
6、 政府为家电企业发展提供有力支持 - 1 -
(三) 我国家用电器的竞争劣势 - 1 -
1、 缺乏核心技术和尖端技术