关键词: 地下空间 地租理论 阿朗索模型
Title: The development and utilization of underground space based on Alonso’s model
The development of modern city has experienced a great improvement. Some large cities like Beijing and Shanghai have big pressure on lands. Many cities began to use underground space to release the tension on the ground lands. There is no doubt that the usage of underground has made great benefit to people and improved the efficiency of the lands. Because China’s underground space started late, lacked advanced technology and theoretical foundation on exploiting and price, we need to study the bidding model. This paper extends the Alonso’s rent model to vertical direction from the plane so that I deduce a theory model of underground space. Also, I put forward some advices in the end of the paper. Firstly, the construction of underground space must develop with the surface building. Secondly, transfer more function to the underground and make full use of the advantage of underground space. Thirdly, set relevant laws and management regulations in order to develop underground space healthy and orderly. At last, take advantage of the market and cite all kinds of financing mode for underground space development and property right trading.
Keywords : underground space , theory of land rent , Alonso’s model
目 次
摘要 2
Abstract 3
1 绪论 5
2 城市地下空间及其相关研究述评 5
2.1城市土地开发利用的区位理论 5
2.2城市地下空间开发利用的相关研究 7
2.2.1城市地下空间及其开发现状 7
2.2.2城市地下空间的相关研究 9
3 城市地下空间竞价模型 10
3.1 阿朗索模型介绍 10
3.2城市地下空间竞价模型思路 10
3.3 城市地下空间竞价模型推导 11
3.2.1消费者的均衡 11
3.2.2厂商的均衡与竞价曲线 13
3.2.3居民的竞价曲线 17
3.2.4市场均衡的状态 18
4 模型应用及实证分析 19
5 对策建议 21
结 论 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25
1 绪论