本文首先分析了上海的产业结构发展状况和外商直接投资的发展状况,探讨了外商直接投资对产业结构调整的影响机制,最后通过论文的研究,为上海进一步实现产业结构升级提供了战略思想,并对现实工作提出了指导意见。总之,要根据上海市产业结构调整总体要求以及三次产业外商直接投资对产业结构变动具有的不同效应,引导外商直接投资的产业投向,增强上海利用外资质量和效应。关键词:国际直接投资 产业结构调整 影响机制 政策建议10744
The new trend of FDI and the impact of FDI to the Shanghai’s industrial structure
Abstract: Recently the total amount of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in Shanghai has increased continually, which has almost reached to 22.338 billion in the year of 2012. Being pushed by FDI, Shanghai has realized the rapid economic increase. FDI has already become one of the most important parts of Shanghai’s economic development. In open economy, the international flow and transfer of resources and essential factors may promote the industrial structure adjustment, while the utilization of foreign direct investment as an important and effective means play an important role in Shanghai industrial structure upgrade.
This paper analyzed the development and function mechanism of Shanghai's industrial structure and foreign direct investment. Finally, the article provides strategic framework of upgrading Shanghai’s further industrial structure and some suggestions on realistic work in this area, to enhance the quality and effects of utilization of foreign direct investment.
Key words: foreign direct investment; industrial structure; function mechanism; suggestions
一、上海产业结构以及国际直接投资发展状况 3
1. 上海产业结构发展状况 3
1.1. 上海产业结构调整历程 3
1.2. 上海产业结构现状 4
2. 上海国际直接投资发展状况 5
2.1. 上海的国际直接投资政策 5
2.2. 上海国际直接投资概况 6
二、国际直接投资与上海产业升级的互动关系 7
1. 国际直接投资通过改变供需状态促进上海产业升级 7
1.1. FDI通过影响供给结构促进上海产业升级 7
1.1.1.FDI改善技术供给促进上海产业升级 7
1.1.2.FDI改善资本存量促进上海产业升级 9
1.1.3.FDI改善劳动力供给促进上海产业升级 10
1.2.FDI通过影响需求结构促进上海产业升级 11
1.2.1.FDI改善生活消费需求促进上海产业升级 11
1.2.2.FDI改善生产消费需求促进上海产业升级 11
2.国际直接投资对于上海产业结构升级的负面效应 11
2.1. FDI对于技术转移与进步的负面效应 11
2.2. FDI来源分布过于集中 12
2.3. FDI投资主体不合理 12
2.4. FDI引资结构不适应 13
三、关于国际直接投资对于上海产业升级的政策建议 13
1. 优化国际直接投资的产业结构 13