摘要:随着计算机多媒体技术的快速发展以及受欢迎程度越来越高,形色各异的多媒体教学课件也是层出不穷,但是其中发现的问题也是越来越多。尽管如此,Flash课件在其中依旧有着自己不可撼动的地位。学习如何使用Flash来创作教学用的课件成为了一种潮流。设计出理想的教学过程,将素材充分合适的运用并通过Flash自身强大的性能以及在制作过程中的优化,将帮助我们制作出身材娇小,效果华丽的优秀课件。通过Flash课件系统,可以使读者不再局限于枯燥的书本,能更有效的提高上课的积极性。本课件主要讲述的是操作系统,其中又分成了五个课题。用理论结合动画的形式向学生们展现一个不一样的操作系统。相比传统的教学方式,相信Flash课件这种新颖的方式将以夺人眼球的新技术以及无与伦比的声光效果赢得广大师生的喜爱。21168 毕业论文关键词: 多媒体课件,Flash ,优化
Flash Courseware Making
Abstract:With development and popularity of computer multimedia technology, courseware made by multimedia writing software unfolds more and more shortcomings day by day, but Flash shows a powerful vitality in courseware making and courseware materials. It has become a tide to learn flash courseware making in teaching. Rational design of teaching structure, proper usage of materials and powerful flash functions as well as optimized making procedure can help us in making small but fine outstanding courseware with gorgeous effects. Flash courseware system can set readers free from boring books as well as improve their initiative in class effectively. This courseware mainly tells about operating system and is pided into five subjects. Moreover, it shows the students a different operating system in the combined method of theory and animation. Compared to traditional teaching style, Flash courseware obtains popularity among wide teachers and students with its dizzy new technology and incomparable voice and light effect in a new method.
KeyWords:Multimedia coursewares, Flash, optimization
1. 前言 3
1.1 Flash简介 4
1.1.1 什么是Flash.. 4
1.1.2 Flash的特点 4
1.1.3 Flash的应用领域 4
1.1.4 Flash的发展趋势 4
2. 系统分析 5
2.1. 可行性分析 5
2.2 需求分析 5
3. 设计思想 6
3.1 准备工作 6
3.1.1 课题分析 6
3.1.2 课件制作的前期准备 10
4. 系统设计 12
4.1 课件制作基本步骤 12
4.2 基本流程图 13
5. 设计过程 14
5.1 Flash界面的介绍与认识 14
5.2 主界面的制作 16
5.3 课题内容制作 17
5.3.1 生产者与消费者问题 17
5.3.2 哲学家就餐问题.. 18
5.3.3 读者与写者问题. 19
5.3.4 可变分区存储管理方式. 22
5.3.4 分页存储管理方式.. 23
5.4 主界面与课题内容的链接 23
5.5 实际效果图 25