关键词 网络层防火墙 防火墙规则异常 模糊规则矩阵推理算法实现
不确定性推理算法 模糊推理 毕业论文设计说明书(论文)外文摘要
Title the Research of Uncertain Reasoning Analysis Algorithm on the Network Layer
The network layer which in the communication subsystem of data communication network is the most complex and critical layer in the OSI model.With the development of the firewall technology,the topic about firewall anomaly on uncertain inference brooks no delay. Basing on this background,I carried out the research about uncertainty reasoning.
I analyzed the characteristics of traditional packet filtering firewall technology, then,we modeled the firewall rules, classificed the possible relationships between the rules, listed of the type of existing abnormalities of the firewall rules between the rules of firewall,which were based on the rules of the relationship between rules,in order to make the computer can simulate human thinking,I described knowledge in a appropriate way ,structured it,and stored in the computer.
Finally, I used the uncertainty reasoning analyzing abnormal inference between rules ,achieved the reasoning algorithm which is based on fuzzy matrix,verified the algorithm feasibility in practical application,shown the important role of the firewall anomaly detection uncertainty reasoning by an example.
Keywords Network layer firewall; Abnormalities of the firewall rules;
the Implementation of fuzzy rule matrix reasoning algorithm; Uncertainty reasoning algorithm; Fuzzy inferential method;
目 录
毕业设计说明书(论文) I
毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 II
毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 III
目 录 IV
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题来源 1
1.2 前期工作 2
1.3 文章结构 2
2 相关知识 3
2.1 防火墙背景知识 3
2.1.1 防火墙工作知识 3
2.1.2 过滤规则的格式化 4
2.1.3 防火墙规则关系的形式化 5
2.1.4 防火墙异常发现 7
2.1.5 防火墙异常分类 7
2.2 不确定性推理知识 9
2.2.1 语法表示 9
2.2.2 产生式规则表示法 10
2.2.3 不确定推理方法 11 不确定推理基本知识 11