摘要:各大高校的教务管理信息平台基本满足目前高校的需求,但是目前的教务管理信息系统依托于电脑,这种模式的教务管理系统不能满足用户随时随地访问系统的需求。本论文通过阐述教务管理系统的现状以及不足,并且以“上海科学技术职业学院”为背景,阐述了该校的教务管理系统的开发目的、过程以及主要功能模块。本系统主要基于B/S架构,采用Java开发语言,结合MyEclipse和MySQL数据库进行设计。系统主要分成web端和手机客户端。Web端使用对象是学生、教师、教务管理员;手机客户端使用对象是学生。该类型的系统是对现有网络教务管理系统功能的拓展,为用户提供了随时随地的教务信息服务,提高学校教务管理效率,进一步加强教务管理的信息化建设。22550 毕业论文关键词: 教务管理系统;B/S架构;MySQL;手机
Design Of Educational Administration Management System Based On Mobile Mode
Abstract:The educational administration management information platform in Colleges and universities meets the basic needs of the University needs. But the model of educational administration management system can not meet the demands of users that they use it in anytime and anywhere. In this paper , we can state the present situation and the lack of the educational administration management system , and as the background of Shanghai Vocational College of Science and Technology , we state the system’s process and main function. The system is based on B/S structure, using JAVA development language ,combined with MyEclipse and MySQL database. The system is pided into Web terminal and the mobile phone client .web is to the students, teachers and educational administrators; mobile phone client is to the students. This kind of system is to expand the existing network management system function. It provides the information service for users in anytime and anywhere. It improves the school educational administration management efficiency and further strengthen the informatization construction of educational administration.