摘 要:本文通过对基于ARM9的家居无线通信系统的研究,针对系统需求进行了硬件和软件方面的设计。首先对本系统所用到的硬件做了整体设计,并且详细的介绍了各硬件模块的结构和功能,对各硬件模块之间的接口连接做了详细的说明。软件方面在宿主机上通过Linux操作系统编译了arm-Linux-gcc,bootloader,linux os ,cramfs文件系统,并建立了应用程序开发环境。4755
关键词: 无线通信;无线通信;ARM9;Linux;
ARM9-based Home Wireless Communication System Design And Implementation
Abstract:With reaching the ARM9-based home wireless communication system, hardware and software are designed for the system's requirement. On the hardware side I make a overall design of the hardware used in this system, and a detailed description of the structure and function of each hardware module. On the software side I compile a arm-Linux-gcc, a bootloader, a linux os ,a cramfs file system and estabish an application development environment on the host linux operating system.
Key Words:Smart Home; Wireless Communication; ARM9; Linux;
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