关键词: 旅游网站;数据库;MYSQL;PHP
Design and implementation of the travel agency website system
Abstract: The travel agency website system has the following modules: registration module, message board module, page management module, line query module and line viewing function modules, the station news, user registration, attractions inquiries contact me stop and backstage management. Visitors can view the latest travel information via this write function, the current popular tourist route, you need some basic knowledge is important when you travel with the items and travel more. Another site also provides a number of tourism-related anecdotes, for visitors to break up the monotony, the content of the website will not be too boring. Website not developed customer forum, but visitors can post via e-mail the way to our comments and suggestions, we will promptly correct. Webmasters have a special login screen, log database contents can be modified, to update or revise itinerary, hotel and other information, add news, features, allowing users access to the latest data.
Keywords: e-commerce; data base; MYSQL; PHP
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.1.1 课题的目的和意义 1
1.1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 1
1.1.3 发展趋势 2
1.2 文献查阅、调研情况 2
1.2.1 文献综述 2
1.2.2 调研情况 2
1.3 组织结构 3
2 应用软件介绍 4
2.1 选择的工具 4
2.2 PHP简介 4
2.4 MYSQL数据库技术简介 5
2.5 B/S结构简介 6
2.6 本章小节 6
3 网站的具体构思 7
3.1 旅游网站需求描述 7
3.1.1 注册模块 7
3.1.2 新闻模块 7
3.1.3 线路查询模块 8
3.1.4 酒店模块 8
3.1.5 留言模块 8
3.1.6 留言管理功能模块 8
3.1.7 管理员模块 8
3.1.8 页面管理模块 9
3.1.9 线路管理模块 9
3.1.10 景点管理模块 9
3.1.11 在线投票模块 9