摘要伴随着3G时代的到来,移动终端所能完成的功能在各行各业日益广泛和深入,移动便携的概念早已深入人心,让人们更加的依赖移动终端。本课题来源于校园内对信息服务系统在移动终端便捷使用的需求。传统学校信息服务系统是采取PC机通过局域网连接服务器端的形式进行操作,缺少对移动端的支持,学生无法随时随地使用该系统。因此本应用基于Android移动平台,让学生可以通过Android移动终端更方便快捷地使用该系统。本系统是基于Android平台开发的一个大学校园信息服务系统,主要完成软件的整体设计以及各个功能的实现。我们在Windows操作系统平台下,搭载Android_2.3.3_SDK开发环境,一般采用JAVA语言作为主要开发语言,使用Eclipse完成后台代码的编写,使用JSoup技术解析网页获取信息数据,用Socket来与服务系统交互,必要时将自己开发的服务器端代码发到南京理工大学教务处网站以便同学们在查看自己所需信息是更加方便,运用多线程技术保证程序性能,结合Photoshop为界面UI美化,从而完成的一个Android客户端。24152 毕业论文关键词 Android;Java;JSoup;移动终端
Title Age of 3G
With the age of 3G is coming, the functions that mobiles have become more popular and wide spread. People had got used to the convenience of mobiles and become more rely on it. Our project is depend on the existent campus information manage system site. The original system is based on Windows operating system, PC is the only platform we can used to login in to the system. Students could not use the system everywhere. So we make the software that runs on Android platform, let students use the campus information on their Android Phones easily .
Students can login into campus information system and check their personal information, curriculum contents and so on. Our system has the same functions but based on Android.
Our system is a campus information manage system that rely on Android platform. We basically finished the structure design and functions. In the Windows operating system platform, with the Android_2.3.3_SDK development environment, using JAVA language as the main development language, use Eclipse to finish writing, using JSoup technology to analysis the webpage information, the use of multi-threading technology to ensure the program performance, use Photoshop as the UI Landscaping tool , so that we complete the system on Android.
This article introduces our design of the system and the processing of making it happen. By the view of software design, we had done dozens of research on the basic theory, the summary of the design, and the actual processing. The whole process had followed the rules of software engineering and UI visual satisfaction so that ensure the pragmatic value of the system.
目 次
1 引言(或绪论)(作为正文第1章,小4号宋体,行距18磅,下同) 1
1.1 项目背景 2
1.2 安卓应用开发意义 2
1.3 本文的结构 3
2 课题相关知识介绍 3
2.1 安卓平台介绍 3
2.1.1 安卓系统的简介 3
2.1.2 安卓系统的特点 4
2.2 JSoup简介 4
2.3 Socket的简介4
2.3 开发工具选用 6
2.3.1 Eclipse 简介 6
2.3.2 Photoshop 简介 7
2.4 系统运行环境的搭建 8
3 系统需求分析 12
3.1 系统设计的总体规则 12
3.2 可行性分析 12
3.3 系统运行环境需求 13