摘 要:本论文的主要工作是设计并实现一个足球实时计时计分系统。本计时计分系统为使用者提供强大的信息管理功能,让使用者能够进行足球赛程的实时赛况信息的管理。本设计使用ASP..net语言,通过Microsoft Visual Studio进行开发。后台数据库采用SQL Server2000来实现足球球赛赛程计时计分系统的设计与实现。对网站各个模块进行深入的分析和设计,做到界面大方直观、美观大方。 24964 毕业论文关键词:球赛赛程;计时计分;设计;实现
Game Schedule Time Scoring System Design and Implementation
Abstract:This main work of this thesis is to design and implement a football real-time timing and scoring system. This timing and scoring system provides powerful information management functions for users, real-time Saikuang information allows the user to soccer schedule management. This system uses Asp.Net language, Microsoft Visual Studio development tools, SQL Server database back-end is used to complete the design and implementation of football management system football game company, through the data operation module related information of the system to various operation, simple and intuitive interface.
Key Words:Game Schedule ; Timing and Scoring ; Design ; Realization
目 录