摘要医疗监护仪监测是一种专门用来监控和管理病人生理参数的装置或系统。一般我们拿它与设定的正常人健康情况下的生理参数进行比较,一旦超过了设定的最高或最低标准,医疗监护仪就会开启报警模式。医疗监护仪会在24小时连续监测病人的状况,这些参数数据会给医生的紧急处理和治疗方案带来参考依据和帮助,使并发症的发生几率降到最低能够缓解病痛并达到消除病情的目的。但监测病人的生理参数并不是医疗监护仪的唯一作用,医疗监护仪还包括了处理和监视用药和手术前后的情况。随着我国医疗产品的发展和国民对健康的重视,医疗监护仪对于老百信来说再也不是“奢侈品”,它从过去只用于高危病房病人的监护,发展到普通病房的病人的监护,乃至小的基层医疗单位和社区医疗单位也得到了应用。一些普通的家庭出于保健的目的也希望在家里配置一个医疗监护仪来检测健康。像现在糖尿病患者的逐渐低龄化和普遍化,在家中放置一个医疗监护仪就变得特别有需要,糖尿病病人可能不需要住院,而每天去医院检查血糖又显得不必要和麻烦,所以家中放置一个家庭用的医疗监护仪会给他们带来极大的方便。随着医疗监护仪开发的成本变低和操作的简单方便化,它在市场上购买的普及率也开始猛增。在家庭养伤的病人因为不能获得实时的看护和急救,死亡的人大量增多。 而跟着社会老龄化的加重,老年人在家中的身体健康状况也引起了更高的重视和关心。 在本文中,医疗服务系统可以大大降低患者的急救时间和成本,并能及时的照顾老年人的健康状况,对提高国民健康水平具有重要作用27683
关键字: 生理参数 24小时连续 医疗监护仪。
Title    Medical   monitoring   system          
Medical monitor is a kind of measurement and control of physiological parameters of the patient, and can be known with the set value, if exceed the standard, which can send out alarm device or system. It must monitor the physiological parameters of 24 hours of continuous patient monitoring, detection of trends, pointed out that the critical situation, for the complications of emergency treatment and treatment of doctors, minimize to alleviate and eliminate the disease. In addition to monitor physiological parameters measurement and monitoring purposes, including monitoring and treatment before and after medication and operation condition. With China's medical device market in steady growth, but also from the past medical monitor is mainly used for the care of critically ill patients, to the current general ward of the guardianship, even the basic medical units and community medical institutions also put forward the application requirements. The development of the market to become one of the monitor equipment for growing, the urgent clinical needs. 2009 Chinese medical monitor penetration rate of only 20%, the popularity rate of medical monitor is associated with positive life level the national relationship, 2009 Chinese per capita GDP of $3678, from China in the past 20 years compound growth rate of GDP per capita, the next 5 years, the annual compound growth rate of China's medical care instrument penetration about 8.01%. From the long-term development of the industry point of view, with the industry to further enhance the level of research and development, China's medical security system to further improve, the high-end products will gradually become the mainstream. The investment adviser issued "medical monitor Market Research Report 2010" on the medical monitor from the aspects of basic function and classification, domestic and international market development, market competition, export situation, technology research and development, production enterprises and other aspects of medical monitor market, and on the basis of domestic and foreign medical monitor future market demand scientifically forecast. In the cultivation of family care and patients because they can not get timely rescue, the number of deaths increased greatly. With the aging intensifies, the health status of the elderly at home has also been more attention. The medical service system in this paper can greatly reduce the time and cost of transporting patients, and to care for the health of the elderly, plays an important role in improving the health of our people.
















