摘 要:在线考试报名系统是高等学校教学管理工作的一项重要内容,是整个学校日常教务管理的核心与基础。系统基于B/S模式开发的等级考试报名系统,C#语言作为开发语言,SQL server作为后台数据库。分别设计了游客登录,考生登录,管理员登录3个模块。考生模块实现考生信息注册,验证缴费和生成准考证等功能。游客模块实现对考试信息的查看。管理员模块实现对报考学生信息管理,考试新闻管理等功能。28516
【毕业论文关键词】考试报名系统;B/S模式;SQL Server2010
Based on B/S mode of computer grade examination registration system design and implementation
Abstract:The online examination registration system is core foundation of the undergraduate educational administration system,it is an important content to the school's daily educational management.The system based on the B/S pattern development level test registration system, the C# language as a development language, SQL server database as the background. Respectively designs the Tourists log, examinee login, the administrator login module. The examinee module implements the examinee registration information, the verify payment and generate your admission ticket and so on. Tourists module implements view of the test information. Administrator module implements to enter oneself for an examination the student information management, news management exam, and other functions.
[Keyword] Examination system; B/S mode; SQL Server2008
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