摘 要:本校友会网站不仅是新老同学联系的纽带,而且还是增加对母校的情感和网上展示自我的最佳方式。本网站使用ASP技术建设,后台数据库使用Access数据库。设计过程中使用了DIV、CSS对页面进行布局和美化,使网站整体感觉更加简洁实用。网站开发任务主要包括前台界面的设计和后台数据库管理的设计,前台界面展示校园及校友各种动态,后台管理主要管理前台各项信息。32110 毕业论文关键词:校友会;ASP;Access;DIV;CSS
Design and implementation of alumni association website
Abstract: The alumni association is not only the link between the students contact, but also to increase the feelings of his alma mater and online the best way to self display. This website uses ASP technology to build, background database using Access database. The design process using DIV, CSS for page layout and landscaping, making the site as a whole feel more simple and practical. Website development tasks including design and database design management front interface, the front interface shows a variety of dynamic campus and alumni, Admin main reception of information management.
Key Words:The AlumniAssociation;ASP;Access;DIV;CSS
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