摘要: 论文主要叙述了制作包装材料网站设计的过程,包括以网站设计进行需求分析、以网站设计目标为出发点,介绍网站设计的目的意义、发展趋势和设计方法。说明并演示了一个完整的网站设计需要用到的语言(HTML和ASP),和需要用到的制作软件(Dreamweaver CS6、Photoshop CS6和Flash CS6)。阐述了制作网站的基本步骤和详细过程。本论文是将网站建设的理论和实践相结合。主要介绍了整个网站设计中最重要的部分,主要包括绪论、本论、结果三个部分。绪论是论文的开头部分,包含了网站设计前期的调查结果,本论是本论文的主题,包括网站设计的制作步骤,以理论和实际相结合的方式呈现出来,结果是论文的总结部分,是围绕使用效果的描述。论文最后也简单的给出了网站设计难点的解决方案,以及未来改进提高的设想。34387 毕业论文关键词: 包装材料公司;网站设计;HTML;ASP;Dreamweaver CS6
Design Of Packaging Materials Company’s Website
Abstract: Thesis describes the production of packaging materials website design process, including a site-design requirements analysis, site design goals as a starting point to introduce the purpose and significance of the site design, trends and design. Explained and demonstrated a complete website design language need to use (HTML and ASP), the need to use the production of software (Dreamweaver CS6, Photoshop CS6 and Flash CS6). It describes the production site of the basic steps and detailed procedures. In this paper, the theory and practice of combining the construction site. This paper describes the design of the entire site is the most important part, including the introduction, this theory, the result of three parts. The introduction is the beginning of the paper, including the findings of the pre-web design, this theory is the subject of this paper, including website design fabrication steps to combine theory and practical way to present it, the result is a summary of the paper, is around effect description. Finally, the paper also gives a simple website design solutions for the difficulties, as well as future improvements envisaged improvement.
Keywords: Packaging materials company; Web design; HTML ; ASP; Dreamweaver CS6
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 设计的目的和功能 1
1.1.1 产品(服务)查询展示型网站 1
1.1.2 品牌宣传型网站 1
1.1.3 企业涉外商务网站 1
1.1.4 网上购物型网站 1
1.1.5 行业、协会信息门户、交易服务性网站 1
1.1.6 社交服务平台 2
1.1.7 政府门户信息网站 2
1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 2
1.2.1 页面排版上的区别 3
1.2.2 页面色彩运用上的区别 4
1.2.3 多媒体技术运用上的区别 5
1.2.4 网站广告的宣传作用 5
1.2.5 网页的立体层次感 5
1.3 发展趋势 6
1.4 调研情况 7
1.4.1 设计规划 7
1.4.2 素材筹备 7
1.4.3 风格设计 7
1.4.4 结构设计 8