摘 要:计算机游戏的发展使人们业余生活变得更加丰富。五子棋是策略型棋类益智游戏,具有趣性和消遣性,人们在闲暇时间通过下棋可以提高逻辑思文能力。五子棋源于中国古代的传统黑白棋种,研究它可以让更多人了解五子棋,有助于优秀文化的推广。本设计完成了一个人机博弈的五子棋网页游戏,使用ASP.ENT技术进行设计, 安装silverlight插件,使网页变得更加的生动漂亮;后台部分采用MVC设计模式;进行五子棋的AI设计时涉及到了评分规格、走棋算法和最终的胜利规则,实现了人机对战的五子棋程序。34492 毕业论文关键字:五子棋; ASP.ENT;MVC;AI
Design of the Web Page Gobang with Online
Abstract: The emergence of computer game make people have a more rich amateur life. Gobang is a tactical game also a fun and recreational game. People can improve logical thinking ability in their spare time by playing chess. Gobang is traditional black white chess and originated from the ancient China. The research of gobang make more people know about the chess and culture. The design used Asp.net technology to finish the Gobang game. The installation of the silverlight plug-in allow we make web page become more lively and beautiful at the design. The programming background part adopts MVC design pattern. The design of AI involves specification of rate and moves algorithm. Finally the gobang that program of man-machine against be finished.
Key Words: Gobang;ASP.NET; MVC; AI
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