摘要: 员工考勤信息管理是一个企业信息管理系统中很重要的一部分,随着科技发展和计算机的普及,传统的手工考勤已经慢慢被淘汰了,而运用计算机管理考勤系统不仅节省了人力物力,同时还具有很高的准确性。因此开发一个界面友好的考勤系统是每个企业必不可少的。本次研究将采用JavaServer Faces框架进行开发,开发语言采用java,jsp等。服务器则是采用jboss,数据库则是用postgresql。此系统包含了众多的功能如勤务实绩查询该功能主要负责员工的实时查询自己的出勤状况,非正常考勤申请是一个带薪申请模块主要负责迟到、早退、忘打卡等现象申请,休假申请有病家、事假、婚嫁、丧假等申请,加班申请是未在规定时间内完成任务需要加班或者工作任务太过于繁重未能在计划内完成需要加班申请,外出公务申请是在被公司外派事务时进行带薪的申请。34780 毕业论文关键词: 友好;勤务实绩;非正常考勤;加班;休假;外出公务
The attendance management system design and implementation of basic data maintenance system
Abstract: Employee attendance information management is an enterprise information management system is an important part of, with the popularity of computer and development of science and technology, the traditional manual attendance has gradually been eliminated, and the use of computer attendance management system not only saves the manpower and material resources, but also has a very high accuracy. Therefore, the development of a user-friendly attendance system is essential for each enterprise. This research will use the Faces JavaServer framework for development, the development of language using Java, JSP, etc.. The server is the use of JBoss, the database is PostgreSQL. The system contains many functions such as real-time query of service performance query the function is mainly responsible for staff of their attendance and non normal application of check on work attendance is a paid Application module is mainly responsible for late, leave early, forget clock application, leave application for epidemiologists and leave, marriage, funeral, overtime application is not within the specified time to complete tasks require overtime or work task too heavy failed to plan needed to complete a request for overtime, go out to apply for an official is paid for by the company assignment affairs in.
Keywords: Friendly; Service performance; Abnormal attendance; Work overtime; Vacation;go out for Official business
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 3
1 绪论 6
1.1 考勤管理系统概述介绍 6
1.1.1 考勤管理系统的概述 6
1.1.2 课题研究意义及目的 6
1.1.3 国内外研究水平及现状 7
1.1.4 发展趋势 7
1.1.5 考勤管理系统的分类 7
1.1.6 考勤管理系统功能介绍 8
1.2 考勤系统设计技术介绍 9
1.2.1 Java介绍 9
1.2.2 JavaServer Faces框架介绍 10
1.2.3 Java Server Pages介绍 11
1.2.4 Js介绍 11
1.2.5 HTML介绍 12
1.2.6 MVC介绍 12
2 分析 14
2.1 课题需求分析 14
2.2 可行性分析 14
2.3 功能分析 15
2.4 性能分析 18
3 设计 19
3.1 设计路线 19
3.1.1 具体设计总路线 19
3.2 开发环境搭建过程 19
3.3 流程设计过程 20