摘要:为了提高少儿英语学习效率,保证孩子的安全,加强家长与老师的交流,实现无纸化管理,本文基于React-Native开发框架,采用JavaScript前端开发语言和PHP服务器端脚本语言设计并实现了基于Android的英语培训机构app,后台数据库是MySQL,使用了阿里云服务器。该app实现了家长端的查看作业,申请补课,教师端的发布作业,考勤管理等功能。本文将从研究背景、需求分析、系统分析、功能实现和系统测试五个方面依次介绍该app的设计与实现。App的测试结果表明,各模块均达到了预期目标。34931 毕业论文关键词:Android;少儿英语培训机构;React-Native;MySQL
Design of Android-based Mobile Application for English Training institutions
Abstract:In order to improve children's English learning efficiency, guarantee the safety of children and increase the communication of parents and teachers, realize the paperless management, an app for English training institutions based on the Android system is designed. The React-Native development framework, JavaScript front-end development language and PHP server-side scripting language are used to develop the APP. The ali cloud server is used to run as the background server, and MySQL is used to build the database. This app has realized The functions of checking the homework ,applying for a missed lesson on parents side, and publishing homework, managing attendance and other functions on teachers side. This article introduced the research background, requirement analysis, modules analysis, functional realization and system test of the application. The results of the app test showed that each module has achieved the expected goal.
Key words: Android;Children's English training institutions;React-Native;MySQL
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
1.绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究状况 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
2.开发平台与相关技术 2
2.1 开发环境概述 2
2.1.1硬件环境 2
2.1.2软件配置 2
2.2 开发平台与相关介绍 2
2.2.1阿里云服务器 2
2.2.2 数据库概述 3
2.2.3 PHP概述 3
2.2.4 Apache服务器概述 3
2.2.5 React-Native介绍 3
2.3 APP开发相关介绍 4
2.3.1 APP 4
2.3.2 APP开发技术 4
3.系统分析与设计 4
3.1可行性分析 4
3.2系统需求分析 5
3.2.1业务流程分析 5
3.2.2功能需求分析 6
3.2.3运行环境需求 6
3.2.4系统非功能性需求 6
3.3系统数据需求分析 7
3.3.1主要用例 7
3.3.2 主要活动图 8
3.4 系统总体设计 11
3.4.1 系统总体架构 11
3.4.2 功能模块设计 11
3.4.3 数据库设计 13
3.4.4 顺序图 15
4.系统及功能实现 18
4.1 系统开发环境 18
4.1.1开发环境与开发工具 18
4.1.2 WEB环境安装 18
4.2 主要功能的实现 18
4.2.1 登录功能的实现 18
4.2.2 家长端主要功能的实现 19
4.2.3 老师端主要功能的实现 22