摘 要:设计和开发凯睿电器网站是为了更加有利于销售公司的产品,宣传公司的信息和服务。现在大多数企业的网站在不同的设备上不能够正确的显示,需要进行重复开发。本网站使用CSS+DIV页面布局技术,使用JavaScript脚本语言进行设计实现,同时使用响应式布局技术,保证了网站在屏幕大小不定时正确显示。减少了公司为不同显示设备而开发网站的成本,提高了用户体验。36138 毕业论文关键词:CSS3;JavaScript;响应式;凯睿电器
The design and implementation of electric Kai Rui website
Abstract: The design and development of Kai Rui Electric website are more beneficial to sell the company's products, promote the company's information and services. Most corporate Web site can't correctly displayed on different devices, developers need to be repeated. This site uses CSS + DIV page layout techniques using JavaScript scripting language design and implementation, while using responsive layout techniques to ensure that the site of the screen size is not displayed correctly timed. Reducing the company's development site for different display devices costs and improve the user experience.
Keywords: CSS3; JavaScript; responsive; Kai Rui Electric
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