摘 要:现如今,计算机网络发展迅速,通过网络来实现信息的发布已经非常普遍。随着Photoshop软件的广泛应用,优秀的Photoshop作品大量涌现。但是还没有足够多的平台发布与传播这些优秀的作品。Photoshop作品网站基于B/S(Browser/Server)结构,采用ASP.NET技术和SQL Server 2008数据库技术,实现了用户的注册与登录、优秀作品、作品展示、作品评析、素材下载、在线留言、后台管理等功能。Photoshop作品网站的建立可以实现Photoshop作品的共享与传播,能够让更多的Photoshop学习者以及爱好者通过网络平台展示作品,达到交流互动的作用。36388 毕业论文关键词:Photoshop作品网站;ASP.NET;SQL Server 2008
The Design and Implementation of Photoshop Work Website
Abstract: Nowadays, computer network is seeing a rapidly development and it is common to release information through the internet. With the wide application of the Photoshop, a lot of excellent works have been made by it which are showing up one after another, but there is not enough platforms that available for releasing and diffusing these works yet. Based on the structure of B/S (Browser/Server), website of the Photoshop works also adopts ASP.NET as well as SQL Server 2008 technology, it has achieved the functions like user’s registration and login, outstanding works, display of excellent works, comment of works, material download, online message, back-stage management and so on. The establishment of the website has made it possible for people to share and spread works made by the Photoshop, also allows more learners and lovers of the Photoshop to show their works by the platform of the internet, and finally realizes the purpose of exchange and interaction.
Key Words: Photoshop Work Website; ASP.NET; SQL Server 2008
目 录
摘 要 1
1.绪论 2
1.1课题背景及发展趋势 2
1.2课题研究意义 2
2.开发技术介绍 3
2.1 ASP.NET技术 3
2.2 SQL Server 2008数据库技术 3
3.系统设计 4
3.1系统功能设计 4
3.2数据库的设计 5
4.网站功能实现 7
4.1网站前台页面实现 7
4.2网站后台页面实现 9
5.系统测试 10
6.总结 11
参考文献 11
致谢 12