摘 要:随着互联网时代的到来而带动的信息产业的快速发展,我结合当今社会的实际情况, 设计了基于B/S结构的驴友网站的设计与实现。本网站采用ASP.NET技术和SQL Server 2012数据库技术,实现了网站首页、旅游景点、旅游线路、酒店管理和驴友留言板五个功能模块。论文针对早期设计的需求分析,划分了系统的功能模块,并设计了相应的数据库,最终展示了系统的实现效果。从总体的功能上来说,系统实现了界面与用户交互的功能,为用户提供了旅游信息和交流平台,最终实现了对信息数据的浏览、查询、编辑和管理等基本操作。37826 毕业论文关键词:旅游; ASP.NET; B/S; SQL Server 2012
The Design and Application of Multi-worlds Web Site Based on .NET
Abstract: With the advent of the Internet era, the information industry has developed rapidly. I analysised the real situation of today's society,and designed the ALICE website based on it.This site which has functions such as homepage, tourist attractions, tourist routes,hotel management, message boards and so on combines ASP.NET technology with SQL Server 2012 database technology.Paper aiming at the analysis of earlier designs describes the systematically pided functional modules, the appropriate database’s setting, and the show of final system.From the general function, the system has built the interaction of system interface and user, it provided a platform where users can exchange tourism information, and it also implement a series of operation data of information browsing, query, editing and management etc..
Key Words: Tourism; ASP.NET; B/S; SQL Server 2012
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