摘 要: 为增加图书管理的功能,开发一款优秀的图书馆管理系统也就显得十分必要,为此将采用PHP技术作为前台、MySQL 数据库作为后台,开发一款图书管理系统。通过对图书管理系统进行需求分析,图书管理系统的主要角色分别是管理者和普通用户,管理者实现对图书增添、删除、图书查询和图书统计。普通用户最终完成借阅图书和归还图书等功能。最终完成了系统管理、图书信息管理等功能,并经过测试图书管理系统,能够简单的实现管理者输入信息、增添信息、删除信息、查找信息等功能。系统使用后能够高效、准确地完成图书管理的工作。37831 毕业论文关键词: 图书管理系统;管理者;普通用户;增添;查找;
Design and implementation of a library management system based on PHP
Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency of library management,i guess it is necessary to develop a good library management system . Therefore,this system will use PHP technology to develop the front desk and design the background using MySQL Database,designing a books management system.Based on the analysis needing of the system, the main major of the management system is mainly pided into two parts:Administrators and ordinary users.The management achieve these founction: add the books, delete books, add books query and statistics.Ordinary users mainly ahieve lending function and returning function.Respectively to achieve system management:library information management and other functions and the test system can realize the user data inputting, modify, delete, query and other functions.Using the system can complete the library management work conveniently,efficiently and accuratly.
Keywords: library management system; PHP; MySQL Database; Administrators ;ordinary users
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