摘 要:为了使办公人员轻松快捷地完成教师信息管理的任务,使高校实现教师信息管理工作系统化、规模化、自动化,教师档案信息管理系统采用了面向对象的分析设计方法,使用C++语言,VC 6.0开发环境及后台数据库SQL Server 2005,实现管理员登陆、教师信息添加、教师信息修改、教师信息浏览、教师信息删除、教师信息查找、添加管理员、管理员密码修改等基本功能,从而达到提高高校对教师档案信息管理效率的目的。6256
关键词:面向对象;VC 6.0;SQL Server 2005;档案信息管理
The Design and Implementation of Teachers' archives Management Based on C++
Abstract:In order to complete the teachers' information management tasks quickly and easily for the office staff, make the College teachers' information management systematic, large-scale, automated. The system of teachers' information management uses the object-oriented analysis and design methods. It uses C++ programming language, VC 6.0 and the database SQL Server 2005.This system implements the login of administrator, browsing of teachers' information, using it we can select, add, modify and delete the teachers' information. It can improve the efficiency of managing the teacher’s file management system.
Key Words:Object-oriented; VC 6.0;SQL Server 2005; File management system
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