摘 要:随着信息网络技术的不断发展,电子商城将会成为产品销售中不可替代的重要手段。为了实现对电子商城的信息化管理,运用Java开发语言和MySQL数据库设计一个基于B/S架构的电子商城,本系统实现了用户注册、会员登录、购买商品、添加购物车、商品管理,会员管理,订单管理等功能。借助电子商城交易平台可以向客户准确、快捷的销售产品,增强了企业的时代竞争力。38676 毕业论文关键词:B/S架构;电子商城;JSP
The Design and Implementation of the Electronic Mall Based on B/S Architecture
Abstract: With the development of information network technology,the electronic mall is becoming an important irreplaceable means of product sales. In order to realize the information management of the electronic mall, we use Java programming language and MySQL database to design an electronic mall system based on B/S architecture.In this system,users can register,sign in,buy goods,add goods to cart,manage the goods, manage the membership,manage the orders,etc. Enterprises can also use the electronic trading platform to sell the products to customers accurately and efficiently, therefore enhancing the enterprise's cimpetitiveness.
Key Words: B/S Architecture; Electronic Mall;JSP
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