摘 要:随着互联网技术的迅速普及,本科院校越来越需要通过网络向社会做宣传。本课题使用ASP.NET编程技术以及SQL Sever 2005数据库,设计并且实现周口师院本科教学评估宣传网。网站实现评建动态、组织机构、评建文件、质量监控、他山之石、教学风采、下载专区等功能,为周口师院的本科评建工作提供服务。和同类系统相比,本系统有更好的用户体验,更及时的信息发布,更高的数据安全性。6316
关键词:本科评估;宣传;周口师院;ASP.NET;SQL Server 2005
Design and Implementation of Evaluation and Propaganda Network of ZhouKou Normal University Undergraduate Education
Abstract:With the rapid spread of the Internet technology, universities is becoming more and more demand to make some propaganda to the society through the network .Using ASP.NET and SQL Sever 2005,the system design and achieve the evaluation and propaganda network of ZhouKou Normal University undergraduate education.Working for the evaluation and propaganda work of ZhouKou Normal University,the system has many functions,including news to the evaluation and promotion,organization framework,quality monitoring,experience from others,elegant demeanour in teaching, download section and so on.Compared to similar systems ,The system has a better user experience, more timely infor mation release and higher data security.
Key Words:Undergraduate assessment; Propaganda ; ZhouKou Normal University ; ASP. NET;SQL Server 2005
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