摘 要:随着高校的进一步扩大招生,学校规模的日益扩大,使得学生信息管理工作也变得越来越复杂,为此,特地开发了这款“学生信息查询系统”。本系统采用B/S模式,以Visual Studio 2010作为开发工具和SQL Server 2005作为后台数据库进行系统开发,完成了对学生基本信息、班级信息、课程信息及成绩信息的查询、添加、修改和删除等功能,实现了学生信息的统一存储,多层管理和多层共享。6936
关键词:学生信息查询系统;B/S;Visual Studio 2010;SQL Server 2005
Design and Implementation of Student Information
Query System Based on Web
Abstract:With the further expansion of enrollment, the school scale expands day by day, The student information query has become more and more complex.Therefore, we develop this " inquiring system of Student information" specially. The system's design based on B/S mode, adopting Visual Studio 2010 as its development environment, SQL Server 2005 database as its data center for system development. It completes the function of input, query and modify for student information, class information, course information and score informtion, enables unified storage, multi - level management and share of student information.
Key words:Student Information Query System;B/S;Visual Studio 2010;SQL Server 2005
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