文章重点研究了群决策中意见汇总时应如何处理分歧意见,文章开始介绍了群决策及意见分歧的相关概念,并对国内外研究的方法进行了分类总结,而最后,则提出了共识度评价模型和群体分歧率(GDC)的概念,分析了GDC在为了使群决策达到一致时的调解机制中的作用,并将研究的重点放在对分析群决策中的专家们对所提供的选项而产生的分歧的分析。本文不仅证明识别和评价决策者们选择的差异对调停分歧并最终达成一致时有效的,而且还提出了一些有价值的结论。本文的结论是通过计算从设计并回答好的问卷提炼所得的数据而提出的,过程是:首先,分析 5 为决策者对选项和属性值评价的共识度;然后,通过 GDC 分析群决策成员选择的分歧度;最后,通过 GDC 不仅为调整选项从而使群决策成员达成共识提供了基础,还指导了群决策过程中成员间的讨论。8341
关键词 群决策 共识度 群体分歧率 意见收敛(汇总)
Title Research about the opinion convergence while the
Group-decision-makers hold the pergent views.
This article focuses on how to deal with the pergences between the
group-decision-makers during collecting their views. Firstly, this
article introduces the key theories about group-decision-making and
pergent opinions. Then, this article sums up the relative methods. At
last, this article constructs consensus degree model and group's
difference coefficient (GDC), then analyzes the function of GDC on the
mediation mechanism for consensus process, and proposes that identifying
the group pergence in evaluating given alternative is the key element
of research. Through empirical study, this article not only proves that
identifying evaluation pergence of a given alternative in mediating
consensus process is effective, but also reaches some valuable conclusion.
The conclusions are obtained by the models calculated from designed
questionnaire, which includes: firstly, the 5 members differ in evaluation
of the initial alternatives; secondly, GDC makes pergence degree between
group's evaluation of a given alternative and of other alternatives clear;
finally, GDC not only provides a basis for adjusting consensus process
mediation mechanism alternatives, but also directs participants in full
Keywords Group Decision Making Consensus Degree
Group's Difference Coefficient Opinion Convergence
目 录