毕业论文关键词 JAI相机 图像采集 参数选取
Title Implementation of JAI camera image acquisition program and study on parameter selection
The JAI camera as a industrial camera (also known as "machine vision camera") , compared to the traditional civil camera (camera), it has the image stability, high transmission capacity and higher anti-interference ability, "industrial camera" may not be accurate, because the camera also be application in medical, scientific research and security fields. Therefore, to achieve image acquisition function using the JAI camera, and the real-time processing is very important.
This design is mainly about the development of a JAI camera image acquisition function and the selection of parameters in a real-time environment of pretreatment with VS2010 software. First, open the camera to obtain the image, then according to the image, we should select the appropriate parameters,such as grayscale,the time of exposure, the amount of light and so on,until wo can obtain a relatively perfect image,then save it.
Keywords JAI camera image acquisition the parameter selection
1 引言 1
1.1 研究的意义与背景 2
1.2 相机的比较与分析 2
1.3 主要工作 3
1.3.1 课题的目的 4
1.3.2 课题的任务 4
1.3.3 任务要求 4
1.4 本章小结 4
2 总体方案设计 5
2.1 系统的组成 5
2.2 软件流程 5
2.3 开发环境 7
2.3.1 开发平台的选择 7
2.3.2 Visual Studio 2010的概述 7
2.3.3 MFC编程环境的概述 8
2.3.4 C++简介 8
2.3.5 JAI相机SDK库概述 9
2.4 本章小结 10
3 软件系统的设计和实现 10
3.1 概述 10
3.2 图像的采集和存储 11
3.2.1 TIF图像格式大小分析[17]