本系统基于B/S架构,采用Java语言和JSP技术配合SQL Server数据库编写,实现了运营指标监控管理、准实时监控和监控告警管理三大功能。本毕业论文包括增值业务运营中的业务监控分析背景、设计与实现本系统所需要的开发环境和技术支持、系统的需求分析和可行性分析、系统整体结构和模块划分的概要设计、数据库结构设计、代码实现的详细设计和系统实现与测试。
关键词 业务监控分析 Java JSP B/S架构 增值业务运营 9384
Title Research and Development of Business Monitoring and Analysis in Value-added Business Operating System
The paper starts from the background of value-added business operations. It describes the importance of business monitoring and analysis in value-added business operations and it introduces the main design and implementation of the development of the business monitoring and analysis system.
The system is based on B / S structure. It uses the Java language and JSP technology with SQL Server database and it achieves three functions: monitoring and management of operational indicators, quasi real-time monitoring and alarm management. The paper includes the background of business monitoring and analysis in value-added business operations, the environment and technical support of the development, the requirements analysis and feasibility analysis of the system, the outline design of the overall structure and the module, the design of the database, the detailed design of the code achieving and the implementation of the system.
Keywords business monitoring and analysis, Java, JSP,B / S structure, value-added business operations
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究内容 1
1.1.1 增值业务运营 1
1.1.2 增值业务运营系统中的业务监控分析 1
1.2研究背景 1
1.3 研究意义 2
1.4 研究手段 3
2 主要技术支持 3
2.1 开发环境和工具 3
2.2 开发语言 4
2.2.1 Java语言 4
2.2.2 JSP技术 4
2.2.3 B/S结构 5
2.2.4 SQL语言 6
3 需求分析 6
3. 1 运营指标监控管理 6
3. 2 准实时监控 7
3. 3 监控告警管理 7
4 系统概要设计 8
4.1 项目整体规划 8
4.1.1 日监控模块 8
4.1.2 月监控模块 8
4.1.3 准实时监控模块 8
4.1.4 告警管理模块 8
4.2 项目功能结构图 8
5 数据库结构设计 9
6 详细设计 16
6.1 JSP总体设计 16