摘要随着信息技术的高速发展和网络技术的成熟稳定,我国人民接触使用网络资 源的现象越来越普遍,我国网民数量与日俱增。近年来,网银、支付宝、微信支 付等网上支付手段的日益完善,促使网上购物更加方便、安全、快捷,购物网站 越发火爆。高校二手物品网上交易平台就是一个旨在帮助广大学生群体解决周期 性更替遗留下来的二手书籍、二手电子产品等二手物品交易问题的网络平台。83313
本文共分为 5 个章节对高校二手物品交易平台进行详细的阐述。首先对校园 二手物品网上交易平台的产生背景与研究意见进行了阐述,结合国内外的研究现 状确定了该系统开发的必要性与迫切性。然后对该系统开发过程中涉及的关键技 术进行简要的介绍。本文第三章针对校园毕业季二手物品交易问题深入研究了高 校二手物品交易平台的经济可行性和技术可行性,通过分析得出系统开发的主要 功能需求,并绘制了系统用例进行功能描述。本文第四章重点介绍了系统开发阶 段的系统详细设计过程,通过科学的系统拆分,将需求落实到具体的功能模块, 使系统的需求在开发层面更加具体详尽,同时分析研究了系统的数据流,设计了 相关的表结构,并使用 E-R 图展示数据表之间的关系。最后,本文对系统开发中 各个模块功能的实现情况进行了简要的展示与描述,并说明相应的操作流程等。
毕业论文关键词:二手物品;网上交易; MVC;B/S
Abstract With mature and stable rapid development of information technology and network technology, the number of Internet users in China is growing。 In recent years, online banking, Allipay, Wechat payment and other online means of payment has improved steadily, which promotes online shopping more convenient, safe, fast and popular。 College second- hand goods trading network is designed to help students solve the problem of selling second-hand books, second- hand electronic products and so on。
This paper is pided into five chapters to introduce College second-hand trading platform in detail。 First, it expounds the background and research of used College second- hand online trading platform,and combines the current research to determine the development of the system of necessity and urgency。 Then introduction the key technologies involved in the system development process brief。 The third chapter resources the probleam of second- hand goods transactions in campus graduation season, and depth studys the technical feasibility and economic viability of second- hand goods trading platform。obtained the main functions of the system requirements by analyzing and draw the system use cases。 The fourth chapter focuses on the system design process in the system development phase, through scientific system to split the requirements to implement specific function modules。 while data analysis system flow designed the relevant table structure, and use the E-R diagram shows the relationship between data tables。 Finally, This paper shows the system function modules achievement, and shows the corresponding operation processes。
Keywords:Second_hand commodity; Online trading; MVC; B/S
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 研究背景与意义 1
1。2 国内外现状 2
1。3 主要研究内容 3
第二章 关键技术介绍 4
2。1 MVC 模式 4
2。2 B/S 结构 4
2。3 MySQL 数据库