摘要:随着客运量的不断增长、尤其是短途城际运量的持续增长,以及多种运输方式间的激烈竞争、铁路客运组织改革的深化,一种新颖的旅客列车城际列车,已在我国广深、京津、沪宁杭等线路投入运营。城际列车的开行将极大地满足人们出行的需求,促进经济的发展,提高铁路客运的竞争力。在研制高速客运列车时,应该对其结构进行合理设计。因此,在设计阶段应该对轮对进行完善的强度分析。所以基于其受力特点和工作环境,本文针对200KM/H城际列车转向架轮对进行结构设计和强度分析,为我国新一代高速客车转向架的研究提供一定的借鉴。本文首先对车辆轮对研究进行论述分析,简要介绍目前轮对的相关研究现状。根据欧洲标准EN13103和日本JSE4207-2004铁路车辆用转向架设计通则对16吨车轴进行了结构设计。此外,对结构有限元的研究方法及基本原理进行论述,并选择用ANSYS软件对轮对进行强度分析。分析了目前国际上常用的车轴和车轮的强度分析方法,并确定基于材料力学的方法对车轮辐板进行强度分析。20619 毕业论文关键词: 城际列车;车轴;车轮;有限元分析
structure design for 200 km/h inter-city train wheel
Abstract:With the growth of passenger traffic, especially the short-distance inter-city traffic continues to grow, and fierce competition between the various modes of transportation, railway passenger transport organization reform deepening, a novel intercity train and passenger train has been in our country such as guangzhou, Beijing and tianjin, shanghai-nanjing hangzhou line was put into operation. The intercity trains operation will greatly meet the needs of people travel, promote the development of the economy, improve the competitiveness of the railway passenger transport. In the development of high-speed passenger trains, shall be the reasonable design of its structure. In the design phase, therefore, should be to improve the strength of the wheel for analysis. So based on its mechanical characteristics and working environment, this paper aimed at 200 km/H inter-city train bogie wheel for structure design and strength analysis, for the research of a new generation of high speed passenger car bogie in China provide certain reference. This paper first of vehicle wheel to discourse analysis research, brief introduction of the current round of the related research status. According to European standard JSE4207 EN13103 and Japan-2004 railway vehicles with bogie design norm of 16 ton axle structure design. In addition, the study of structural finite element method and the basic principle is discussed, and choose to use ANSYS software to the wheel to the strength analysis. On the analysis of the current international commonly used method for the analysis of strength of axle and wheel, and determine the method based on mechanics of materials strength analysis was carried out on the car spokes board.
key words:inter-city train; axles; wheel; element analysis
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 城际列车发展及轮对技术研究现状 3
1.2 .1 国内外货车发展现状 3
1.2.2 国内外轮对技术发展 6
1.3 本论文主要任务及使用方法 10
第二章 轮对结构设计 11
2.1轮对的基本组成及相关要求 11
2.2 车轮结构设计 12
2.2.1 车轮工作条件及结构 12
2.2.2 车轮结构设计 13
2.3车轴结构设计 15
2.3.1 车轴的服役环境及结构设计特点 15
2.3.2 车轴结构设计 16
2.4 CRH1动车组轮对三文模型的创建 16
第三章 车轮强度分析 19